Do you know that great song by The Byrds called Turn! Turn! Turn! from 1965?

Part of the lyrics for the song are:

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap.

I immediately thought of this song when I saw the photos of the life cycles of different things that you’re about to take a look at below.

Also, all you youngsters out there, you should be listening to The Byrds…trust me on this one…

People shared cool photos of the life cycles of different things and we think it might just give you a little perspective about how the world turns…let’s take a look.

1. Save the bees!

They need our help.

2. They sure do!

I had no idea! Cool!

3. Thanks for the pics, Dad!

This is pretty awesome.

Since we’re into strawberry cycles, I sent the post to my dad (a berry farmer) and he sent me this:
byu/shredd77 inpics

4. From life to death.

Take it all in…

Life Cycle of Tree Leaf
byu/earthmoonsun inoddlysatisfying

5. A really good shot.

Also, that looks like a very big blueberry.

My dad was very excited about all the love his strawberries got he sent over the blueberry cycle!
byu/shredd77 inpics

6. Starts off as just a little bitty thing.

The circle of life…

🔥 Lemon Lifecycle
byu/mirandanielcz inNatureIsFuckingLit

7. This one is really cool.

How’d you get them all in one shot?

8. Dandelion life cycle.

Watch it all blow away.

9. You don’t see this very often.

A lucky shot if there ever was one.

My girlfriend happened to catch all 3 stages in a ladybugs life cycle on a single leaf!
byu/EaterofMayonaise inmildlyinteresting

10. What do you know about cacao?

Well, you can start with this.

Those photos are so cool!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share some interesting photos that you’ve seen or taken of the life cycles of different things.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Thanks in advance!