You probably participated in, or at the very least heard about, the 10 Year Challenge, a Facebook trend last week where people shared a photo of themselves from 10 years ago alongside a photo of themselves now, to show how much they’ve changed over the past decade. We did an article about it ourselves!

But any time a social media trend goes viral, you can bet there will be a second viral social media trend making fun of the first one. (It’s called Newton’s First Law of Internet.) Sure enough, practically the moment people began doing the 10 Year Challenge, other people posted memes making fun of it. Here are 15 of the funniest examples. Whether you loved the challenge or hated it, you’ll find something you love below! (via Bored Panda)



1. Older and wiser achier.

Photo Credit: @m_atelier

2. Fact: 10 years ago, nobody ever got distracted by a smartphone.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda


3. Some things didn’t change much at all.

Photo Credit: @loneiffu87

4. Aquaman got RIPPED.

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Earth got a whole lot flatter, depending on who you ask.


Photo Credit: @bluffing_tanha

6. This grape is all of us.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

7. Still unlucky in love.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda


8. Gravity comes for us all.

Photo Credit: @nursingmomsy

9. Unless you’re a fan of the New England Patriots, obviously.

Photo Credit: @krishtensen

10. Some of us are taking a lot less crap.


Photo Credit: Bored Panda

11. Only some of you will relate to this–and you’re probably squinting right now.

Photo Credit: @imalanroy

12. Photoshop: now with even more ways to ruin your big project!

Photo Credit: @designershumor


13. Still the greatest battery ever made.

Photo Credit: @PicturesFoIder

14. Sometimes aging means giving up your favorite activities.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

15. The Ten Year Challenge…and The Hundred Year Challenge


Photo Credit: Bored Panda



h/t: Bored Panda

