I remember that first I fought hard against getting a cell phone in the first place and then I REALLY fought hard against getting texting on my phone.
How dumb was I?!?!
I can’t imagine actually having to talk to actual human beings on the phone…who does that anymore?
Anyway, enough about me…take a look at these funny texts that people shared on social media.
1. Grandma is learning how to text!
That can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing…not sure yet.
2. How do you think this is gonna turn out?
Could go a bunch of different ways…
3. I hope this person apologized to their grandma.
This really went off the rails.
4. They got excited, give them a break!
I think you did the right thing.
byu/owarner40 inme_irl
5. Hahaha. This is good.
Took a while to figure out what was going on here.
6. You shouldn’t joke around about dogs like this.
I’d be pretty mad if someone did this to me…
7. I really want to know what happened here.
This needs to be made into a movie!
[deleted by user]
by intexts
8. Sounds like you’re a really hard worker!
Your boss must love you.
9. There was a big misunderstanding here.
I wonder how the rest of this conversation went…
10. What do you think they were really up to?
You’re not supposed to say the quiet part out loud!
11. Don’t bother coming home.
Don’t play around with someone’s water preferences…understand?
Now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, share some funny texts that you’ve received.
We’d sure appreciate it!