If you’ve ever spent any time in thrift stores, garage sales, or yard sales, you’ve most likely come across things like this.
I’m talking about vintage Christian records that have covers that just seem…creepy. And weird. And inappropriate.
And…wait for it…unintentionally hilarious!
And we’re about to look at a glorious collection of vintage Christian music albums that just really missed the mark for one reason or another. I would say that these are even on par with ridiculous heavy metal album cover from the 1980s…and that’s saying a lot.
Enjoy these funny record covers and we’ll see you at the bottom of the article so we can discuss them!
1. Oh, boy…
I don’t think I want to hear the rest of this story.
2. This isn’t creepy at all!
God’s chosen puppet, huh?
3. What the hell is going on here?
Things are getting very strange.
4. Call the exorcist!
This kid must be possessed!
5. The cross and the switchblade.
I wonder what this is all about.
6. No. No, I don’t.
But I’d like to after seeing this album cover!
Please continue, sir…
8. The Ministers Quartet.
These guys look very serious about their business.
What a message!
10. He’ll be here soon.
And you’ll be at the top of his list!
11. And…more touching…
She has crazy eyes. No doubt about it.
12. The rapture looks like it might be kinda fun!
Get on board, people!
I’m scared…
Okay, now we want to hear from you!
Do you have any albums with really weird or funny covers?
If so, take a pic and share it with us in the comments. Let’s see what you got!