Alright, friends, it’s that time of the day where you push all your work to the side, take a much-needed break, and you laugh at some hilarious memes!
We know it’s part of your daily routine, so we strive to bring you the very best memes we can find out there in Internet Land. That’s what it’s called, right?
So, without further delay, we present these funny memes to you.
Let’s do it!
1. Keep a very close eye on them…
I said extra pickles! Is there a manager I can speak to?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
2. It’s an assault on all of your senses.
Why do you do this, Mother?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
3. Hmmmm, how did that happen?
That really did not end well.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
4. This is always kind of uncomfortable…
Do I know you?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
5. They sure do like their pasta.
No doubt about it.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
6. Yeah, no way that’s happening.
Are we really supposed to believe that?
If Covid has taught me anything, it’s that it’s incredibly unrealistic that super heroes remember their masks every time they go out.
— AJ Ramson (@aj_ramson) June 16, 2020
7. This would totally blow their mind.
Let me start from the beginning…
I would love to show someone from 1995 this picture and ask them what they think is happening here
— Mike Royce (@MikeRoyce) June 13, 2020
8. Yeah, that was not a great idea.
Never speak of it again!
I love that we all just decided to stop doing Zoom drinks / quizzes and never spoke of it again
— Louis Staples (@LouisStaples) June 16, 2020
9. Yeah, can we please get this over with?
Don’t lie and say you don’t want to know!
I hate spoilers but I'd love to know about the ending of 2020.
— zandashé l’orelia brown (@zandashe) June 13, 2020
10. Remember the good old days?
Now it’s at least a three-day process.
Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was 19 and thought that bagels actually cured hangovers
— Samantha Matt (@SamanthaMatt1) May 23, 2020
11. I think you just got a raise!
Nice work!
Boss: How good are you at Power Point?
Me: I Excel at it
Boss: Was that a Microsoft Office pun?
Me: Word
— Dad Jokes (@Dadsaysjokes) July 9, 2018
12. That might be just a little bit TOO big.
How many people will be sleeping here?
Imagine putting on the bed sheets and the corner on the opposite end comes off?!!! Gotta Uber to the other side
— Dugo (@ElVerdugo5) June 20, 2020
13. Your dad should be a motivational speaker.
Or…mabye not…
My dad casually shouted at my brother during his hockey game "MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT VAPE YOU WOULDNT BE SUCKING FOR AIR RIGHT NOW" like 20 people turned and looked at us
— Isaac Casanova (@ISAACCASANOVA96) December 2, 2017
Okay, now we want to hear from you!
Have you seen any funny stuff on social media lately?
Memes, tweets, photos, jokes, stories, etc?
If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks!