Who doesn’t love to put themselves in the shoes of Sherlock Holmes, Angela Landsbury, or Nancy Drew now and again, just to see if your wits and problem-solving skills can stack up? If you’re one of those people (and you know you are!), these 5 detective riddles should be right up your alley!
#5. Trapped.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Young Mary is trapped in a castle in Costa Rica, and to get out safely, she must choose one of four doors. Here’s what’s behind each of them:
Door 1: Lava that would immediately melt anyone
Door 2: A killer clown that would beat any person to death
Door 3: A deadly frost that would freeze her at once
Door 4: Cops that would shoot any man or woman indiscriminately
Which door should she choose?
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#5. Which castle door leads to safety?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Since Mary is a child, and not a man or a woman, she should be safe choosing Door #4.
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#4. Murder in the Sauna

Photo Credit: Pixabay
There are 4 friends who regularly visit the sauna together, and they each always bring something with them. Jack, a musician, beings his iPod while Steve, a banker, lugs a thermos to stay hydrated. Patrick and Michael are both lawyers and bring documents to review.
One day, Patrick is found dead, killed by a sharp object. When the police investigated, they found nothing.
What killed Patrick?
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#4. What sharp object in the sauna could have killed Patrick?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Steve is the murderer and he used an ice shard from his thermos, which had melted by the time the police arrived.
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#3. A fly in the coffee.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Brandon ordered a coffe, but had to send it back because it had a fly in it. When the waitress returned with a fresh cup, Brandon took one sip before accusing her of returning the same cup of coffee. How did he know?
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#3. How did Brandon know the coffee wasn’t fresh?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Brandon had already doctored his first cup with sugar.
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#2. A broken statue.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
John was home alone (he thought) when his wife’s favorite statue fell and broke in their bedroom. He ran into the room in time to see a stranger running away and chased him outside, but his eyeglasses fogged up because of the cold weather and he was unable to identify the culprit.
When the police arrived, they listened to his story but refused to investigate, saying he was lying and that he didn’t want to admit he’d broken the statue himself.
Was he lying?
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#2. Was John’s story about the statue fake?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Yes. Eyeglasses don’t fog when you go from a warm room to a cold outdoors, but the other way around.
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#1. Who killed Mr. James?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
He was found dead in a room without windows and with the only door being locked – and only 4 people had a key. When they were questioned, they gave the following accounts:
Sophia the maid: “I came to wake up Mr. James; when I saw him dead, I screamed!”
John the butler: “When I heard the scream, I ran into the room, turned on the light and saw Mr. James with a knife in his neck.”
Sarah the governess: “I rushed up alongside John; when he turned on the light, the room was all bloody.”
Jack the cook: “I was prepping breakfast and didn’t see anything.”
Who is the murderer?
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#1. Who killed Mr. James?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
The maid. She couldn’t have seen Mr. James lying dead in the dark unless she already knew he was there.
I hope you enjoyed solving these puzzles!