Most places have their quirks (in the South, people call this charm), and the smaller the town, the more “charm” one seems to stumble across without even trying. Even if you live in a bigger city, there are surely things that you might think are totally normal…until you mention them to someone from another place.
Me? I’m from Kansas City, where our best BBQ joint resides in a gas station, our Missouri airport features memorabilia from The Wizard of Oz (we are not, in fact, in Kansas, Toto), and people don’t understand how to eat vegetables that aren’t fried.
Keep reading to soak up a bit of weirdness from these 18 people’s hometowns. It’s like it should be #towngoals instead, really. Also I wish they had included the names of their hometowns so we could visit.
#18. Define ‘constantly.’

Photo Credit: NBC
#17. So it’s not a race so much as an IQ test?

Photo Credit: NBC
#16. They have one of these in Missouri, and one day I will go, if only for the t-shirt.

Photo Credit: NBC
#15. Seems like an odd passion, given the subject, but okay.

Photo Credit: NBC
#14. Wrong. But I do love pecan pie.

Photo Credit: NBC
#13. This might be the best one.

Photo Credit: NBC
#12. This made me lol irl.

Photo Credit: NBC
#11. A 60ft potato?

Photo Credit: NBC
#10. Do you kill them, or…?

Photo Credit: NBC
#9. Those dead people just flat out refused to move. Rude.

Photo Credit: NBC
#8. It’s as good a mascot as any!

Photo Credit: NBC
#7. This is definitely odd. But helpful?

Photo Credit: NBC
#6. Does he smell the part? Or would that just make people cry? (ba-dum-ching)

Photo Credit: NBC
#5. Did no one say this out loud in their head first?

Photo Credit: NBC
#4. Who’s car? And doesn’t that like, muck up your lake? #somanyquestions

Photo Credit: NBC
#3. Damn ungrateful toads.

Photo Credit: NBC
#2. Disappointed it’s not a festival for hair which also would have been awesome.

Photo Credit: NBC