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This Woman Makes Purses That Look Like Food and They Are Pretty Amazing

Now this is what I call high art, people!

And no, I’m not exaggerating!

The purses you’re about to peruse (see what I did there?) made by a woman named Rommy De Bommy are so cool that I think they might even blow your mind.

Listen, you love purses and you love food, right?

Well, this is what happens when you combine both of those amazing things!

Check out these purses and visit her Etsy store if you want to buy one!

1. Homer Simpson would love this one.

Or at least he can give it to Marge.

2. I love this one!

The details are so cool.

3. Garlic bread for the win!

This is totally epic, don’t you think?

4. Care for some hot cakes?

I’ll take a whole stack, please!

5. An All-American meal!

Some people might get mad about the ketchup on the hot dog, though…

6. Now I’m starting to get hungry…

That slab of butter is calling my name.

7. For a hot summer day.

That looks delicious! And roomy!

8. A perfect dessert.

Some nice touches on this one.

9. Ready for an Italian meal?

I sure hope so!

10. Some good, old-fashioned apple pie.

Just like Mom used to make.

11. And, lastly, you just can’t beat pizza.

Are you on board with these, or what?!?!

Those are so cool!

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about some other cool artists and craftspeople you follow on social media.

And please share some links with us!

Thanks a lot!

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