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This Artist Creates Amazing Illustrations Based on Everyday Household Items

If you’re not following a guy named Eric Geusz, aka Spacegooose, on Instagram, we have a feeling that’s going to change after you take a look at his awesome artwork.

He draws super-duper cool spaceships based on everyday household items that most of us never think twice about. We’re big fans of his work!

Are you ready to blast off into another dimension with some really original illustrations?

Let’s take a look. Hang on tight!

1. Blasting off with a pen.

I love this one.

2. Preparing to do battle with the rebels.

It does look like a spaceship, doesn’t it?

3. Ice cream scooper for the win!

So cool! I love the detail on this one.

4. A simple corkscrew takes you to a new dimension.

Let’s head into outer space!

5. This is very cool.

And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spacecraft quite like this one.

6. Another unique creation.

Prepare for lift-off.

7. Well, champagne can make you fly…

I’m just saying…

8. Totally tubular egg landers.

They have a very Star Trek look to them.

9. I always knew that Sriracha was magical stuff!

And here’s the proof.

10. Not sure what that thing on the bottom is.

But he nailed it, once again.

11. Take me to your leader.

Into another galaxy…

12. All aboard the potato peeler.

I mean, the spaceship…

I love this guy’s work!

Do you know of any other great artists we should be following on social media?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments. Thanks a lot!

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