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Things Customers Do That Retail Workers Really Don’t Like

Dealing with customers can go a few different ways.

It can be low-key with no drama, it can be mildly annoying, or things can go totally off the rails and you might lose your sh*t and end up in a screaming match.

We don’t advise that last option because you might end up losing your job, but still…it’s a possibility.

And, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some things that customer service workers really don’t like.

Keep these in mind when you go out in public, folks!

1. I don’t think customer service workers know the answer to this.

So stop asking, people!

2. Come on, people!

Get it together and wear a mask!

3. That joke? Again?

How many times do I have to hear this one today?

4. Yeah, that looks about right.

Taking a stand…we’re just not sure for what…

5. This is really bad.

And I would strongly advise against it.

6. What makes you think we’re closed?

Major eye-roll on this one.

7. I’m aware that it’s not my fault.

So go yell at the manager.

8. Never heard that one before…

Customers need to come up with some new material.

9. Hmmmm…next joke, please.

He really does not look amused.

10. News flash: they don’t care.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

11. Well…I need to pay my bills.

And that’s why I’m stuck in here…

12. Go talk to a bartender.

Or maybe a therapist?

13. Cool, never mind.

Forget I said anything!

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, share your most annoying work experiences with us.

We can’t wait to hear your stories!

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