Is there anything worse than really rude, really entitled people?
Unfortunately, we all end up dealing with them quite a bit in our lives, but the people in these screenshots seem like the worst of the worst if you ask me.
I have a feeling these text exchanges might just make your blood boil…
1. What an a**hole.
2. Working for free!
3. Aren’t we mates?
4. Blocked!
5. Some people…
6. Took this a little too far.
7. They want what they want. NOW.
8. Actually, you wasted my time.
9. What a deal!
10. Lowballing.
11. Sweeten the pot.
12. Psychopath.
13. Some people are really awful.
14. Time is money.
Ugh! Those people all seem awful!
No more of that, please!