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Take a Look at These Random, Interesting Photos About a Number of Topics

If there’s one thing I strive to be, it’s a lifelong learner.

There are so many amazing things out there to learn about that my only regret is that I won’t be around long enough to study and be exposed to everything I want to before my number is up.

But in the meantime, I’ll do my best. And articles like the one you’re about to see are one way to learn about new things.

Take a look and enjoy!

1. Don’t see clouds like this very often.

Have you ever seen something like this?

2. I had to look twice at this one.

Look very closely…

3. This doesn’t even look real.

Do derpy snakes exist? I guess they do…

4. Yes. Chimps are ripped.

I wouldn’t want to mess with this creature.

5. This is so epic.

How did he get this shot?

6. What are the odds?

Love…finds a way…

7. We owe a lot to this guy.

He’s been helping us party for years!

8. A perfect shot of the moon.

In all its glory…

9. How did that happen?

Very cool.

10. Living the high life.

Hard to believe this is real.

11. So cold it looks like another planet.

I would not want to spend a winter here.

12. The bionic man.

This is awesome!

Okay, now it’s your turn. We want you to titillate our brains with some awesome content that we haven’t seen before.

In the comments, share some interesting photos or articles that you’ve enjoyed lately.

We’d love to hear from you! Please and thank you!

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