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People Share Examples of Horrible Food and It’s Hilariously Bad

You would think that with all this downtime and the endless hours being stuck at home that people would really be on top of their cooking games.

You, my friend, thought WRONG. Hey, don’t feel bad, I did, too.

But then I saw these photos of food fails and all I could do was shake my head and shed a tear for the poor folks who had to eat and look at these meals.

Are you ready for this? Okay, let’s proceed.

1. The dead will now rise from the ground.

And all because of your sister! Thanks a lot!

2. Might have gone a little bit overboard…

Can I speak to the manager? Now, please?

3. This is very touching.

And also kind of disturbing…

4. This masterpiece only costs $15.

What a deal!

5. They’re watching you.

And now there is no escape…

6. Yeah, what happened here?

This is very disturbing.

7. You are clearly a master in the kitchen.

Our hats are off to you!

8. I see what you did there!

I kind of like this!

9. Those aren’t gonna last very long.

Because you’re going to eat all of them.

10. Why on Earth did you do this?

I want some answers!

11. Well, you thought wrong.

Because this is totally horrifying.

12. I don’t even want to ask any questions about this.

Just get it out of my face, okay?

13. Enjoy, vegans!

Yeah, this is a little bit insulting, isn’t it?

How about you?

Do you have any photos of really bad food that make you sick?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

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