If we were to give out a gold medal for Olympic-related weirdness, it would probably have to go to Wenlock and Mandeville, the two mascots from the 2012 London Games, who look like the nightmare of a stressed out Pixar animator:

Photo Credit: Wikipedia
But now, the 2018 Pyeongchang games have given those two a formidable challenger: a series of “penis statues” that can be seen outside the Olympic Village. And no, this isn’t one of those instances where the statues just look like penises. We’re talking the real deal:

Photo Credit: Paper
The three statues are named “Bullet Man,” (Because “Dong Statues” was taken?), and they’ve stood in this spot since 2009. They are the creation of South Korean artist Kim Ji-Hyun, who said the statues represent the “human desire for a wonderful body, wealth, and honor in concrete images.” Because haven’t we all wanted a six pack and our head to be chopped off and replaced with a giant, silver phallus?
If you’re confused at this point, at least you’re not alone. The statues have gone viral on social media under the hashtag“モルゲッソヨ”, a Japanese spelling of a Korean phrase that roughly translates to “I don’t know.”
It should surprise no one to learn that people have been making their very own Bullet Man art. For instance, there’s Bullet Man cosplay.
モルゲッソヨのコスプレです pic.twitter.com/t7zYEOo81W
— 茂る (@shigel_marv) February 11, 2018
Bullet Man origami.
創作:神谷哲史 折ったの:トキポン
#モルゲッソヨ pic.twitter.com/pZLqtCy9cc
— トキポン 4月28日紙の温度講習会 (@kameikohe) February 12, 2018
You can enjoy a Bullet Man latte.
#本日の暇カプチーノ、『モルゲッソヨ』。 pic.twitter.com/oUtsOI0Eg7
— じょーじ (@george_10g) February 9, 2018
Bullet Man Photoshops.
また北朝鮮の工作員の田辺真一が朝から寝言ぶっこいてんな #モルゲッソヨ #サンデーモーニング pic.twitter.com/Z6xKpSdaAJ
— OVERDOPE (@overdope_) February 11, 2018
Bullet Man Pokemon.
韓国のモルゲッソヨ像、どこかで見た感じあると思ったらこれだ、ダグトリオの地中部分を予想したやつだ…… pic.twitter.com/v2iegCrE2H
— ねこぽん (@nekopone) February 11, 2018
Bullet Man crochet.
モルゲッソヨ を(゚∀゚)アンダー pic.twitter.com/QCeyenIOzP
— アミエッタ (@kirietta) February 10, 2018
Bullet Man Lego.
> レゴゲッソヨ <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
#モルゲッソヨ pic.twitter.com/FnaHd8atik— kazuki (@clkgtr0728) February 10, 2018
And Bullet Man…whatever the hell this is.
(*´∀`) pic.twitter.com/PoixIuTxcV
— 崔碩栄 (@Che_SYoung) February 10, 2018
So far, the organizers of the Pyeongchang games have refused to explain why Bullet Man was chosen for the Olympic Village. Maybe it’s just their way of symbolizing how the Olympics is basically a nonstop orgy.
h/t: Someecards