Let’s cut the small talk: looking for a job is THE WORST. The absolute worst, if you ask me. It drains your soul and your spirit. Constant rejection just makes you feel like you are at the bottom of the barrel.
If you’ve been there (or are currently there), these tweets will bring all the bad memories back.
1. Totally exhausted.

Photo Credit: Twitter
2. Hmmmm…

Photo Credit: Twitter
3. Shit, I haven’t died yet…

Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Are you sure about that?

Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Not cutting it.

Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Well, hello there!

Photo Credit: Twitter
7. That’s definitely a lie.

Photo Credit: Twitter
8. Isn’t it always like this?

Photo Credit: Twitter
9. Anything will do.

Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Don’t even ask, Mommy.

Photo Credit: Twitter
What’s your worst experience (or maybe you have multiple ones) while looking for a job?
Tell us about it in the comments!