Oooooh, that dog of mine!
Is there anything better than playing with a dog or just being in the presence of a dog when you’re having a bad day?
I think you know the answer to that question and it is a big, fat NO.
They really are the best and as the saying goes, “we don’t deserve dogs.”
Here are some great dog posts that we think you’re going to love.
1. The giant dog is about to attack!
Oh, wait…never mind…it’s nothing…
2. Imitating humans.
You look totally natural to me. Also, check out the painting above them.
4. Derpin’ for days.
Hey, everybody’s doing it!
5. I wasn’t doing anything, I swear.
Why are you back so soon?
When you didn’t expect your owner to come right back cause they forgot something
byu/SamanthaJK09 inWhatsWrongWithYourDog
6. A perfect fit.
Be sure to breathe once in a while, though…
It fits
byu/vinkulelu infunny
7. Don’t even think about it.
This guy belongs to me.
My dog showing my girlfriend that I’m his…
byu/NBAJam95 infunny
8. This is where you’ve been hiding them!
You’re in big trouble!
Definitely a perfect specimen.
This rottweiler is a real special one
byu/De_fau_lt inWhatsWrongWithYourDog
11. This guy is really depressed.
Now what am I supposed to do all day?
When you hear the dog park is closed
byu/downriverrowing inaww
12. Loving life!
And living it up!
Husky encounters the wind
byu/to_the_tenth_power inAnimalsBeingDerps
I’m gonna go on the record right here and say that I think I might love dogs more than anything else in the world.
Are you with me, or what?!?!
Okay, now we want to hear from you!
In the comments, please share a photo of your doggo and tell us about them!
We’d love to hear from you!