Clearly, 15 tweets isn’t enough to capture all of the amazingly awful breakup stories running around out there. I’m not sure whether it’s because of online dating is now a thing or because the internet makes it so much easier to share our tales of woe, but man. These tweets of relationships gone sour make it hard to believe the human race is going to survive.
Except for the sex part. Everyone still likes that.
#15. I guess the surprise was on him? #yowch

Photo Credit: NBC
#14. That’s more than awkward. That’s…mean.

Photo Credit: NBC
#13. omg panic time

Photo Credit: NBC
#12. I mean. Are you paying?

Photo Credit: NBC
#11. Dude thinks he’s Ferris Bueller or something.

Photo Credit: NBC
#10. First thought: People still listen to the radio?

Photo Credit: NBC
#9. After that, I’m guessing she wasn’t all that sad.

Photo Credit: NBC
#8. This only happens to men, notice.

Photo Credit: NBC
#7. Dating you just gave him the push he needed.

Photo Credit: NBC
#6. He wasn’t all THAT confused, it turns out.

Photo Credit: NBC
#5. Okay so that is super duper awkward.

Photo Credit: NBC
#4. If I wrote a romcom I would make an adult man make the same request of his mother.

Photo Credit: NBC
#3. With no hang up option. #nightmares

Photo Credit: NBC
#2. I guess she’s more of a straight A’s kind of gal.

Photo Credit: NBC
#1. This might be the saddest story ever. For all the wrong reasons.

Photo Credit: NBC
h/t: NBC