I love it when a meme gets really popular AND I actually think it’s hilarious.

By that, I mean that some memes that blow up and go viral don’t make a whole lot of sense to me…hey, I’m just being honest.


But this one? This is the good stuff!

I’m talking about the “Sure Grandma, let’s get to you to bed” meme that has been repurposed for Millennials who now feel like they’re old and no one listens to them anymore.

What could be funnier than that? Are y’all ready for this?

Back in my day…let’s check these out!

1. What is she talking about now?


Just get into the bed!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Oh, that subject again…

Who else is tired of this thing?!?!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans


3. That’s an interesting take.

But off to bed for you, Granny.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. This might be true.

Any thoughts on this one, Millennials?


Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. That sure was strange…

Remember those days…?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. The good old days.


How it all started.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. That sounds like a terrible idea.

I’m just saying…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans


8. Remember when that was a thing?

Seems like a LONG time ago…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. I don’t recall this.

But I’ll take your word for it.


Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. Going WAY back.

Seems like ancient history.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Okay, Grandma, that’s just about enough out of you.


Into your room you go.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Those are hilarious!

Do you consider yourself a Millennial Grandma?

If the answer is YES, talk to us in the comments and tell us what makes you think so. We’d love to hear from you!

