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If You Don’t Think Your Child Needs a Dog, These Wholesome Pics Should Change Your Mind

I had a really great childhood, and one of the things I’m most grateful for was that we had a family dog growing up.

His name was Quincy and he was really something. All of us kids loved him a lot and he was a constant in our lives for the 12 years we were lucky enough to call him our own.

What am I rambling on and on about?

I’m trying to say that a bond between a kid and his or her dog is something that they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives.

And here are some great examples of exactly what I’m talking about!

1. Wow! This is amazing!

Never underestimate the power of dogs.

2. These two make quite a pair.

I bet they get into a lot of trouble together.

3. These two will have a lifetime of fun together.

It made us smile, too!

4. Providing all kinds of comfort.

What a great duo.

5. Two kids helping out a hurt pup.

Is this wholesome, or what?

6. Doing great work!

We love rescue pups!

7. You win the Internet today.

This looks like a very happy family.

8. It all comes full circle.

A new addition to the family.

9. Where did the dog go?

Oh, there she is!

10. Waiting for treats.

We can wait all day long if we have to.

11. Wow. That’s pretty interesting.

The dog was worried about the little one.

Okay, now we want to see your pics of your dogs and kiddos together!

Please share some good ones with us in the comments.

We can’t wait!

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