What do you think is the worst movie you’ve ever seen in your whole life?

Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute to think about it…


I don’t know if I’d call this THE WORST movie I’ve ever seen, but someone dragged me to see Phantom Thread a few years ago and I thought it was terrible. And I’m a fan of Paul Thomas Anderson’s work, so it’s not like I was seeing his stuff for the first time. Just…ugh…I’ll never get that time in my life back again and I’m still angry about it.

ANYWAY, people took to Amazon to write one-star movie reviews for films that they really didn’t like…and some of the reasons they give are just plain weird.

And we love that kind of stuff, so sit back and enjoy!

1. Technical difficulties.

Black and white? No way!


2. A different take on a holiday favorite.

Maybe this movie needs to be remade…


3. You don’t say…

I’d like to know how old this person is…


4. Give those criminals a break!

Nobody deserves that…

5. This is the best review of all time.


They clearly love their children very much.

6. Did you think this was an instructional video?

I think they did…


7. Yeah, isn’t that weird?

This is a documentary, right?


8. Not the Frozen you were looking for.

This is a horror movie!


9. As easy as that.

No forin movies, EVER.

10. Another person who just took the title way too literally.


I thought it was a movie about a zoo…

11. Totally different.

Not even close, friend.


12. I don’t know about that…

I’d like to see it, though.


13. You’ve seen 7 sharks blown up?

I have a hard time believing this…


14. More blood!

I was promised blood and there just wasn’t enough.

Now we want to hear from you!


What movies do you think are really BAD and only deserve one-star reviews?

Talk to us in the comments!
