What comes to mind when you think of Finland?

Snow? Vodka? Reindeer? Heavy metal music?

Back in 2003, I visited my brother in Poland where he was teaching English and we decided to do a little backpacking trip around the frigid countries in Northern Europe…in February…

It was a great trip and we had a blast, but we only got to see Helsinki and Espoo, Finland for a few days, so we didn’t really get to discover what it was like.

And that’s why the “Very Finnish Problems” Instagram page is so cool! Let’s get an insider’s view about what’s going on in that unique nation.

1. It looks like it’s gonna be cold…

Maybe even FOREVER.


2. You gotta be careful with those dots.

Or else you might end up in hot water.


3. This is strangely calming to me.

But man, it looks cold!


4. I’m liking the part about the mosquitoes.

Oh, and skiing sounds fun, too.


5. Behold…EXCALIBUR!

You’re gonna need that shovel, friend.


6. I love these videos.

I’m just glad I’m not dealing with those cold temperatures.


7. You knew Bernie was gonna make an appearance.

They had to do it!


8. This one is from 1975!

Do you think the snow ever melts there?


9. Honey, no!

She looks like she’s not happy with him…again…


10. They’re not necessarily known for their sense of humor over there.

But maybe he could at least crack a smile?


11. Beware of the igloo cars.

That sounds dangerous.


12. They sure do love saunas.

Come on in!


How about you?

What are the unique things about your country that make it stand out from the rest?

Talk to us in the comments and fill us in. Thanks a lot!