We’ve been spending a lot of time deep down below the Earth lately, mining for gold…Twitter gold, that is!
Now how does that sound to you, partner!
Well, you better appreciate it, because we’ve been busting our humps and we think this collection of tweets is might fine.
So have a look-see for yourself and tell us what you think in the comments.
1. I’m holding out hope that this really exists.
It’s the little things that keep me going!
Soup of the day implies another, possibly even seductive, soup of the night.
— Boog (@bewgtweets) June 15, 2021
2. You showed her!
Next time she won’t talk trash, will she?
I asked my daughter to give me a phone book. She laughed at me, called me a boomer and lent me her iPhone. So, the spider is dead, her iPhone is broken and my daughter is furious….
— mariana Z (@mariana057) March 5, 2021
3. I’m on board with this idea.
It’s time for the rebranding of Bigfoot.
Bigfoot's whole body is big. he should be called Bigbody
— Fred Delicious 🍆 (@Fred_Delicious) June 2, 2021
4. You’re gonna be a writer in no time!
You’ve already got most of it down.
Got the toddler a cute desk so he could draw, and instead he re-enacted life as a writer.
Scene 1: Despair.
Scene 2: Desperately trying to throw your desk out the door. pic.twitter.com/02qipePtWo
— Eric Smith (@ericsmithrocks) June 21, 2021
5. I feel this deep in my soul.
Is this too much to ask?
Being a grownup is great, but sometimes I miss crying until someone feeds me.
— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) June 9, 2021
6. Be careful with that thing!
You might have a big problem on your hands…
What's the correct ratio of gunpowder to essential oils? I want this bath bomb to be perfect.
— Destry (@DestryBrod) July 29, 2020
7. I’m down with this.
Let’s get going, it’s almost Bonky.
So unfair that noon is the only time that gets a nickname. Gonna start calling 4pm Bonky
— maya sharma… (@goodjobmaya) June 14, 2021
8. You can’t help yourself.
Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel!
There’s at least a 5% chance I’m going to die because a song with handclaps comes on while I’m driving and I can’t resist clapping along.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) June 5, 2021
9. I think that’s the right choice.
Why would you even bother?
if i were a 400 year old immortal vampire, i would simply not enrol in a local high school
— @ellewasamistake (@ellewasamistake) June 26, 2021
10. A smart way to live.
You just never know…
Always be kind, you never know who might own a boat.
— HelvĂ©cio Dias (@HelvecioD) June 11, 2021
11. This is a million-dollar idea.
Get on in, sir!
recipes should include photos of the mess you have to clean up after cooking
— Matthew Tanner (@mtanner41) May 5, 2021
12. This would totally be worth the time and the money.
Make it happen, Doc!
Thinking about going to medical school so that I can say “just what the doctor ordered” anytime a waiter brings my food to the table
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) June 23, 2021
What are some of the funny tweets that you’ve seen lately?
Or how about some funny memes, jokes, photos, or anything else that you think will make us laugh?
Share them in the comments so we can all have a laugh.
Thanks a lot!