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“Bodega Cats” of Instagram Act Like They Own These Places

©Wikimedia Commons

I love seeing animals in stores when I go out shopping, whether it be a book store, record store, or any kind of store, really.

And if you’ve spent any time in New York City, you know there’s a special breed of kitty that works hard and earns its keep.

They’re called “bodega cats” and they’re kept in convenience stores, delis, and small shops around NYC to take care of rodent problems.

But they also sometimes like to act like they own the place!

Which is pretty typical, if you’ve had cats before.

These photos from an Instagram account called Bodega Cats of Instagram highlight these awesome creatures in their shops.

Let’s take a look!

1. I’m in charge here…

The look on her face says it all.

2. Time to get the day started.

It’s gonna be another long day.

3. Make yourself comfortable.

And take a snooze wherever you want.

4. Unpacking the merchandise.

Are you done with all your work yet?

5. This looks like a good place to hide from the boss.

He’ll probably never find you in there.

6. Let’s see some I.D.

This bodega cat is NOT messing around.

7. Patrolling the perimeter.

Making sure that everything is up to snuff.

8. Well, now you’re just getting in the way!

This one is still learning about customer service.

9. Proceed with caution…

And don’t even think about shoplifting…

10. Is it time for my break yet?

I need a nap after this shift…

11. A very surly bodega cat.

She’s seen it all and doesn’t want to hear any of your crap.

12. Welcome to my shop…

But make it snappy!

13. Keeping an eye out on the street.

And doing a damn fine job.

Are these kitties just delightful?

And they’re working hard, too.

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the hard-working kitties you know that work in stores where you live.

We’re looking forward to it!

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