I don’t think it’s very surprising that a lot of people aren’t sleeping very well these days

In case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s a lot of anxiety going around because of world events.


Hey, it’s an unsettling time. No doubt about that.

But let’s have a laugh about our inability to sleep!

Might as well, right…?

1. The worst thing ever.

Photo Credit: The Chive


2. And then what happened was…

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Enough to make you cry.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Don’t try me.


Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Don’t even bother.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. A vicious cycle.

Photo Credit: The Chive


7. It’s really cute.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Think about that.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. You think so?


Photo Credit: The Chive

10. A dream-like trance.

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Does this describe you?

Photo Credit: The Chive


12. Coming up with schemes.

Photo Credit: The Chive

Those are hilarious!

You having a little trouble sleeping these days? Talk to us in the comments…

And then try to get some shut-eye!

