Dads, dads, dads. Aren’t they the best? They provide for us, they’re always there when we need them…and sometimes they can be really funny.

These fellas are definitely proof of that.


1. When you put it that way…

You just go sleep in the close then. Thank you!

2. Mom’s in on it as well.

That is a brilliant plan. Will destroy child’s confidence. 10/10.

3. Put the marker down!

Step away from the ink! Slowly!!!

4. Oh, no!

That’s a spicy meatball!

5. Keep your eyes closed tightly.

Who needs light anyway?

6. Oh, thank you!

Why are you touching my face, though?

7. Now I’m up.

Leave that alone, kid!

8. Sounds like a genius.

One of those special kinds!

9. Two peas in a pod.

I hear it skips a generation, so…

10. Not playing around anymore.

Go ahead and mess with my search history. I dare you.

11. Kids know what they want.

The other white meat!

12. Keeping our fingers crossed.

Any day now, we’re sure somebody will want you. Just not us.

13. Dear old Dad.

Is Ryan Reynolds the best at dad tweeting, or what?

14. They need to learn!

You can’t expect to do something like get a bowl of ice cream without understanding progressive taxation!

Alright, so those were definitely some knee-slappers, right? I’m seriously LOLing at that Ryan Reynolds one. What a brave guy!

So now we want to hear from all of you. Yes, you with the dad faces!

Share your best dad joke or funny dad story in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!