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17 People Reveal When They Knew Their Love Was the Real Deal

Falling in love is just as terrifying as it is exhilarating. But how do you know if what you are feeling is TRUE love? These AskReddit users shared how they knew their relationships were meant to go the distance.

#1. Everybody Poops

“I am reminded that I love him when I come home from a terrible day at the office, and seeing him makes everything terrible seem trivial because I am so happy and at ease to come home to him. Also, we can openly discuss pooping.”

#2. Old Relationships Just Seem Wrong

“When you look into that part of your brain that has ALWAYS had a nagging feeling that every relationship you’ve been in might not be right… and you’re shocked to find there’s nothing there at all. When it seems ridiculous that you actually thought you liked any of those other people you used to have a crush on/date because they’re just so obviously not suited for you in hindsight. When you realize you’re an endless source of entertainment for each other, that you can spend two weeks together 24/7 in close quarters on a trip, and then still spontaneously stay up all night talking the night after you get back. When everything’s easier because you basically think the same way, and the ways in which they think different delight and entertain you.”

#3. Love Their Flaws

“When you can accept their flaws. No one’s perfect, if you’re telling yourself “Wow Cindy is so perfect I love her so much everything she does is right,” you’ve just got a crush. People are flawed, whether they’re selfish, lazy, passive aggressive, whiny, etc. Everyone does things that would annoy you. Loving someone isn’t whitewashing them, it’s loving all the great things and all the shitty things.”

#4. Silly Love Songs

“I’ve heard people say; “when the songs start to make sense”.”

#5. Future

“I knew when I could not think of a future without her in it.”

#6. Putting Their Needs In Front Of Your Own

“I’d like to think you start to love someone when you care about them more than yourself. It’s when you would do anything for them just to make them happy. You could spend everyday with her/him and never want things to change.”

#7. I Love You, But That Doesn’t Mean I Have To Like You Right Now

“When you know you’re happier when she’s with you, even when she’s being a cunt.”

#8. Sharing Food

“When your eating chicken nuggets and instead of offering to split the last one you give them the whole thing”

#9. Time Stands Still

“Here’s the giveaway for me: Time starts behaving weird. Like you’ll be talking and suddenly it’s 3:30 in the morning. And you’ll be absolutely convinced that there’s no way that could be right.”

#10. Love Their Crazy

“When they do something idiotic and all you can think is ‘I love that moron.’ Love is knowing they aren’t perfect and knowing they’re still perfect for you. Sometimes my BF (or his friends or family) drives me crazy, but I still can’t imagine my life without him. We understand each other in a special way and he just feels comfortable. Like I’m where I should be when I’m with him.”

#11. No Doubt

“To put it as simply as possible, when there are no doubts. You don’t feel insecure around this person. You don’t have to impress them, or hide parts of yourself from them. You don’t feel like you have to pretend around them to ‘protect’ them from who you really are. They are the person that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. They are the person you strive to be more like – you admire them and their good qualities, and they challenge you to be a better person every day. It’s not that you would change for them, but that you would strive to be better for yourself. They are your partner in all things, and as such, they move through different parts of your life seamlessly. There’s no friction over friends, jobs, hobbies, etc. Any part of your lives that you disagree on, you still respect and accept, because you trust and value their judgment.”

#12. Decisions, Decisions

“The reality is that love is different for everyone and even different in each relationship you may have. This has been my experience. But something I think holds true is that love is an emotion and emotions aren’t necessarily rational. So just do what you feel. It will either end up being the greatest thing in the world, or not, but you should never regret committing to what you want. Make a decision, go with it, and when the time comes for another decision, repeat.”

#13. You Are Always On My Mind

“May sound silly but if you really love them you will ‘know.’ They won’t ever leave your mind.”

#14. Farting

“It goes both ways…You both feel comfortable showing affection to one another or you can fart in front of each other”

#15. Butterflies

“When I still get butterflies in my stomach thinking about her even though we’ve known each other for almost a decade. When I care about her more than anything else. When imagining myself spending the rest of my life with one person, she’s the one who pops to mind. When the thought of her not being in my life simply isn’t a possibility.”

#16. Their Happiness Is All That Matters

“When you care more about the other person’s happiness than your own.”

#17. Home

“When you’re with them, you feel like you’re home.”

Don’t stop, the reading! (must be read in the style of “Journey”)

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