When the Iron Curtain fell, the former Soviet Union was suddenly opened up to Western pop culture. On the other hand, not nearly as much ex-Soviet pop culture made its way to western countries. And that’s a shame! We really missed out on some gems, and that’s never more clear than when you check out these 15 album covers from Yugoslavia.

Just think, we all could have been rocking out to the tunes of Saban Bajramovic. He’s basically the Yugoslavian Freddy Mercury.



1. “Sudbina Si Murni,” Saban Bajramovic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Rami Malek will also be playing Saban Bajramovic in his upcoming biopic, Yugoslavian Rhapsody.

2. “Ja Sam Ranjen Kao Ptica,” Mirka Kodica


Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Fun fact: the record and his suit were both made out of the same material.

3. “Christmas with Kico”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, and he’s been permanently banned from all Macy’s.


4. “Ja Ceznem Za Tobom” Dusko Lokin

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Finally an answer to the age-old question: what’s the opposite of an aphrodisiac, in haircut form?

5. “Nine,” Miso Kovac

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


“Nine” is also the number of cold sores Miso Kovac has. Can you spot them all?

6. “Ozuboks,” Grupa SOS

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Why did a D&D group accidentally take an album cover photo?

7. “Tozovac,” Jeremijino Kolo


Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Fun way to tell everyone you started taking Cialis, Jeremija.

8. “Arlekino”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

The captain always goes down with the ship. And this captain will always go down on you.


9. “Mojohj Izgubljenoj Ljubavi,” Hamidja Custovic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

“Mojohj izgubljenoj ljubavi” translates to “I haven’t slept in four days.”

10. “Klik-Klak,” Miljus Svetlana

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


This album cover photo would not have been possible without the contributions of Svetlana’s first and second husbands.

11. “Ove Noci Jedna Zena Mirno Spava,” Klatko Pejakovic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

He’s like David Blaine, if David Blaine didn’t try very hard.

12. “Ne Moze Nam Niko Nista,” Mitar Miric


Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Based on his hair, this man’s shower drain must be a nightmare.

13. “Cepam Case,” Dusan Bogicic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

Call now and receive free shipping for “Now That’s What I Call Cirrhosis, Volume 7.”


14. “Trofrtaljka,” Mica Ostojic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

There’s a reason Mica Ostojic is known as “The Yugoslavian Britney Spears.”

15. “Zvezda Zvezda,” Saban Bajramovic

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


Saban Bajramovic apparently suffers from “Resting Confused Face.”



h/t: Sad And Useless

