Look, everyone loves their kids, and children are the most precious gift a person can get, etc etc. That’s all true but it’s not why we’re here today. Instead, we’re going to be looking at the less pleasant aspects of raising children.

Because let’s be honest: kids are gross! They destroy your home and your possessions! They drive you up the wall with their disobedience! They scream at you like miniature banshees until your will is broken! You still love them, but that doesn’t make it easier.

Here are 15 photos that anyone needs to see before having kids. Know what you’re in for. (via Bored Panda)


1. Parenting, summed up in one photo.

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “The one and only time I forgot to put the baby gate up while taking a shower.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. You turn your back for one second, and…

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. “The girls’ bedroom wasn’t getting enough heat, so I opened up the vent.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Makeup tutorial

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. “I kept track of how many times my 3-year-old asked me ‘Why?’ in one day.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Even when nothing’s wrong, something’s wrong.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Dinner’s on you.

Photo Credit: beardedweirdo

10. “My son tried to boil an already boiled egg. In the microwave.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. “I used a decibel meter when my son cried. He is literally as loud as a rock concert.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Say goodbye to privacy.

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. “My baby got a hold of my phone and ordered $94 of pizza.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. “My daughter found the diaper cream.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. How did this even happen???

Photo Credit: Reddit



h/t: Bored Panda