There are several unwritten rules that everyone must follow if we want to live in an orderly society. If you’re going to slice a round cake, you should cut it into even wedge shapes and not just take a big square out of the middle. If you’re going to hang a framed picture, the bottom should be parallel with the floor. And for the love of all things holy, if you’re going to open a two-liter bottle of soda, PUT THE CAP BACK ON.
Unfortunately, even though these rules should be intuitively understood by everyone, and followed without question, some people still don’t get it. And those people’s roommates have shared their transgressions with the Internet.
Here are 15 people who realized they’re living with a monster. (via Bored Panda)
1. How to slowly drive your roommate insane with one easy step.

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. “I keep a secret tube of toothpaste away from my wife and children.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. “My three year old just wants to see the world burn.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. “My roommate left this in the freezer. Chaos reigns.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. “My roommate made pasta, then left for vacation.” (Vomit warning)

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. “My boyfriend opens a loaf of bread the same way a raccoon does.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
7. Were you raised by WOLVES?!

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. “My wife uses her iPad as a plate.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. “The way my wife opens things.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. “My roommate doesn’t believe in Tupperware.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. “How my wife and I fight.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. The last time he changed his toothbrush was during the Reagan administration.

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. “My roommate’s potato started growing more potatoes.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. “My wife leaves hair stuck to the shower wall. And I turn it into art.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. Unlike Reese’s, there is a wrong way to eat a Kit Kat.

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Bored Panda