For most of us, shoes are just another thing we have to own, like light bulbs or a tooth brush. They serve their purpose, keeping our feet safe from all the hazards of the world, and that’s as far as it goes. I think about my shoes maybe once a year, when the soles have completely fallen away.
But there are those who look at shoes not as a necessity, and not even as a fashion statement, but as an actual work of art. The kind of shoes that a fashion designer comes up with seemingly only to see what they can trick a model into wearing on the catwalk. Here are 15 of the craziest shoes that are guaranteed to get you a disapproving look from your podiatrist.
1. Something’s fishy

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
At least no one will notice your foot odor problem.
2. Goat hooves with golden revolvers for heels.

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
I don’t know what drugs the person was on when they came up with this, but I need to try some.
3. Tarantula Time

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
For the stripper who wants to bring her pets to work.
4. Extra-strength arch supports

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
That sound you hear is 1,000 chiropractors’ heads exploding.
5. The Scream

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
To be fair, if shoes actually did come to life, they would have a look of constant horror on their faces.
6. The Boombox

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
Pssh. Come find me when you invent shoes that can play my Spotify playlists.
7. Sandcastles

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
Must be frustrating having your shoes fall apart each time you take a step.
8. A terrible thing to do to a goldfish.

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
Let’s hope that’s beer.
9. Are those…urinals?

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
To me the weirdest part is the photo showing these shoes in action. Are they marketing to people who have affairs?
10. Mopping up

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
Your floors will ALWAYS be clean.
11. The Unwearables

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
“Once you break them in they’ll feel more comfortable.”
12. Nailed it

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
These babies were HUGE during the Spanish Inquisition.
13. Did something die in here?

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
14. Just a couple abstract sculptures on your feet.

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
This is the first and last time Salvador Dali was allowed to design a pair of shoes.
15. They’re like stilettos, but stabbier.

Photo Credit: We Like Viral
Someone played footsie with her one too many times.
h/t: We Like Viral