Like many things in life, online shopping has its pros and cons. On the pro side of the ledger, you have an almost unlimited variety of goods to buy, and your purchase will come right to your front door. On the con side, you never really know what’s going to be inside that Amazon Prime box. All of us have a story or three about receiving the wrong item. Sometimes it’s an honest mistake, other times it’s clear the seller was running a scam. Either way, it’s no fun…but it’s definitely funny. At least when it happens to someone else.
Here are 15 more reasons to be wary when shopping online. (via Bored Panda)
1. “My grandpa’s neighbor ordered an inflatable Santa. They sent him the wrong size.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Technically this is an area rug. The area’s just really small.

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. It’s a new species! Introducing: The Merpig.

Photo Credit: Imgur
4. Is that supposed to be Deadpool, or The Kool-Aid Man after gastric bypass?

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Celebrating the marriage of Prince Hairy and Meggin’ Markill.

Photo Credit: @dionlimtv
6. “When Amazon only delivers half of your kayak.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Boldly going where no German shipping corporation has gone before.

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. Say “This was supposed to be athletic wear” to the dress.

Photo Credit: @MrDylanEvans
9. “I bought boots on Aldo for 50% off. Apparently that meant I only get one boot.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. Is it a nice Air B&B? Depends on your perspective.

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. At least it’s really easy to conceal?

Photo Credit: @AbbieLianne
12. Looks like another case for Mulder and Scully.

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Want some fries? Is it OK if I cook each fry individually?

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Stop pretending to be a couch, pillows.

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. Your dress could not be downloaded in its entirety. Please try again.

Photo Credit: @Kaylie_Nelson16
h/t: Bored Panda