Much like life itself, the subway is like a box of chocolates–you never know what you’re gonna get. The beauty of public transportation is that it’s open to everyone, and people from all walks of life use it. If you’re a people watcher, there’s no better place to observe the rich variety of life than on the subway.
Previously, we showed you these 15 people who were making the subway a whole lot more interesting. But there are way more than 15 interesting people on the subway, and so we’ve got another batch of wonderful subway weirdness for you! (via Bored Panda)
1. One ticket per tree, no exceptions.
2. That’s one way to shorten your commute time.
3. When transit cops can’t get the job done, they call in…Transit Knight.
4. Didgeri-don’t.
5. When it’s rush hour, and your next victim lives uptown.
6. Sometimes, deodorant isn’t enough.
7. “Saw this punk helping a woman carry heavy stuff in Berlin’s subway.
8. How to guarantee you’ll always get a seat on the subway.
9. Some people will try to pass off anything as a comfort animal.
10. A breath of fresh air hot garbage fumes
11. “On the train on the way home from Oktoberfest.”
12. “How was your day, honey?” “I got crabs on the subway.”
13. “This guy’s lunch made it onto the subway without him.”
14. When it’s rush hour, and the child you’re going to to possess lives uptown.
15. Either the deceased wanted one last ride, or someone was too cheap to spring for a hearse.
h/t: Bored Panda