Maybe you’re one of those people who can’t walk by a crooked picture frame without straightening it. Or maybe you get really upset when you order a pizza and the slices are all different sizes. Or maybe you find it soothing to look at photos of perfectly matching breakfasts.
If so, you’re not weird! You just crave symmetry, like most people do. Seeking the symmetrical may even be an innate human trait. As physicist and MIT professor Alan Lightman writes in his book, The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew:
“Symmetry represents order, and we crave order in this strange universe we find ourselves in. The search for symmetry, and the emotional pleasure we derive when we find it, must help us make sense of the world around us, just as we find satisfaction in the repetition of the seasons and the reliability of friendships. Symmetry is also economy. Symmetry is simplicity. Symmetry is elegance.”
Sounds good to me!
So when something is asymmetrical, even if it otherwise works perfectly, it can be infuriating–and it’s even worse if you can’t do anything about it. Here are 15 asymmetrical objects (via Bored Panda), that will bring out your inner control freak.
1. When you want a tattoo, but you also want to troll everyone.

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Third row window, all the way on the right.

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. That’s it, I’m never drawing again.

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. Arrest this shirt.

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. A candidate for the “No Fly” list.

Photo Credit: morefunthanb4
6. To do: buy new to do list

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. The renegade sunflower

Photo Credit: Imgur
8. When the landlord wants to subtly make you go insane.

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. There is evil in this world.

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. There’s a right way and a wrong way to unload the dishwasher. This is the wrong way.

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. “I asked the lady to cut my sandwich into three pieces.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. When the elevator has a drinking problem.

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. The mislaid tile that’s also a really sh*tty Magic Eye.

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Yet another reason to hate flying.

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. Look for the misplaced “H” on this Scrabble wallpaper. And then, cry uncontrollably.

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Bored Panda