As children, we think that adults are masters of their domain, capable of handling any problem and understanding how everything works. But as we become adults, eventually we realize that this isn’t true. Adults are making everything up as they go along. It’s a cliche to say this, but it’s also true.
No matter how much you might try to prepare for it, becoming an adult is always a shock. And so, in that spirit, here are 15 Tweets that sum up the wonderful absurdity that is adulting in 2019.
1. You have to be fluent in multiple languages, including “e-mail.”
Adult email culture is ending every sentence with an exclamation point, then proofreading to see how many is socially acceptable to keep.
— spring ☆ (@springrooove) February 20, 2019
2. Here’s your adult card. It comes with 12 Tupperwares.
You’re not an adult until you have a cabinet full of Tupperware and every time you open it they all spill out and you can never find a matching lid for the one you want to use.
— Collin Whitchurch (@cowhitchurch) August 7, 2018
3. Nothing good ever comes in the mail.
I remember the way I used to get excited whenever I received a letter addressed to me when I was younger but every time I receive one now I think “fucking what now”
— yas (@lolzysz) October 9, 2018
4. Having company involves elaborate rituals.
Saying “sorry the place is a mess” when a guest enters your home despite the fact that you spent three hours making sure it’s immaculate prior to their visit is adult culture.
— dramalina (@rileytresjolie) April 4, 2018
5. Adulthood is about the freedom to do whatever you want vs. the responsibility not to.
I knew I was an adult when I had to have a “no, we got food at home” conversation with myself.
— Dretoven (@Blackkout__) July 26, 2017
6. “My kid is sick” is the new “My Mom said ‘No.'”
Regretting you can no longer use « my mom said no » as an excuse when you don’t want to go out is adult culture
— Anahit of Erebuni (@AErebuni) February 9, 2019
7. Oh joy, 15,000 more days like this one…
My morning routine includes 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling thinking about how tired I am and debating if I really need to adult today
— Erin Christ (@letxthexERIN) September 7, 2016
8. You now understand why your parents always complained about prices.
Adult culture is just walking around constantly astounded by how much everything costs.
— Rachel Breton (@rachiebret) August 6, 2018
Adult culture is getting excited over buying a pan
— ?️? (@amanda_dorito) November 9, 2017
10. Remember when you used to be cool? Me, neither.
Being an adult is having a favorite grocery store and having conversations about why it’s your favorite grocery store.
— Ashley (@cat_m0m) March 20, 2019
11. Sleeping in is a rare and impressive skill.
Adult culture is getting a day off and still waking up at the same time your alarm usually goes off
— Gidorah ?++® (@LILUZIHURT) January 31, 2018
12. No two words are scarier than “unlisted number.”
adult culture is typing a number into google to see who’s calling you instead of answering
— becca (@theirelad) July 11, 2018
13. Your youthful vigor is starting to wear off.
I’m at a point in my life where I now wake up wondering every morning if I’m coming down with a cold or if this is just how I wake up now
— Joseph Weeks (@WeeksJoseph) February 15, 2019
14. You probably owe your parents an apology. (Or three.)
When you’re an adult and you forget to take the chicken out the freezer you really understand why your mom would be so mad
— Ehi(deba)men (@Ehidebamen) February 2, 2018
15. You have no idea what you’re doing. But neither does anyone else.

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h/t: Buzzfeed