David Hasselhoff is known to today’s generation, (if they know him at all), as a reality show fixture, or the a star of an autobiographical sitcom about a washed-up actor, or just that shirtless guy who ate a burger off a bathroom floor.

But millennials today might be surprised to learn that the late-night TV punchline once was a bona fide TV star, and even a heartthrob. And today, we’re going to take a look back at the Baywatch and Knight Rider star’s glory years, with this selection of excellent beefcake photos from the 1980’s.


Hope you like chest hair!


1. Don’t hassle the Hoff.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

2. Hey, ladies. Care to join me for a floor burger?


Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

3. If this acting thing doesn’t work out, I could always be a shirtless cowboy.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

4. What’s on the menu tonight? Me.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


5. Hoff the charts.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

6. What’s the secret to my good looks? Exhaust fumes.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


7. This outfit got me kicked out of a Denny’s.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

8. Hey, ladies. Get a load of my sternum.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

9. Wanna adopt these dogs? They need lots of therapy.


Photo Credit: Slapped Ham

10. I’ll knock your socks Hoff.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

11. I tried riding a horse but he kept throwing me Hoff.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


12. “I can do 1,000 reps without blinking once.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

13. A still from his unreleased workout tape, “Dog Aerobics.”

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless

14. I’ve had plenty of time for falconry since I was laid Hoff.


Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


15. Hollywood Trivia: for the first few years of his career, David Hasselhoff had a giant, car-shaped mole growing out of his back.

Photo Credit: Sad And Useless


h/t: Sad And Useless
