A business sign has one job: inform the public about the business. If a sign manages to be funny on top of that, even better. Not only does that funny sign give people a smile, it probably brings in more business.

We encourage any and all attempts at sign-based humor, so in that spirit, here are 15 business signs that have no business being this funny.


1. If there’s a sign against it, that means somebody actually did it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sure enough, this really happened in Florida. (Of course.) Don’t give ‘shrooms to alligators, people. They prefer LSD.

2. Something tells me a few too many people tried to open this door.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. You also need to clean the Blizzard machine, Abby.

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Well done.

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. It’s hard to be comfortable right after you’ve been mauled.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. A fun way to say “No Trespassing.”

Photo Credit: @MikeSav47032563

7. Always read the fine print.

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. I’ve always thought Satan was a lot like Apple.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Joe is retired, and he now enjoys injuring himself on his own time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. That’s not nearly too much ice to drive on. This photo must’ve been taken in California.

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Shouldn’t we be working to improve the literacy rate among trains, though?

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. No need to vet this vet! (That was a pun.)

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. This locksmith knows everything about locks. Not so much about apostrophes.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Oh, so it’s OK for dogs, but when I try to do it suddenly it’s a no-no.

Photo Credit: Imgur

15. If their signs are this good, maybe it’s time to reconsider your atheism.

Photo Credit: Reddit



h/t: Buzzfeed