Sneaky insults: if you’re not paying close attention, what initially seems like someone being really nice to you will sneak up and smack you in the face…because it was actually an INSULT.
I don’t know why people actually say these kinds of things to other people, but it sure seems to happen a lot.
A woman named Lisa McGee took to Twitter and shared the sneakiest insult she’s ever received and a bunch of other Tweeters joined in on the fun.
What’s the best sly dig you’ve ever received? In my early twenties a guy told me I inspired him to be a writer because he’d seen one of my plays and it was so terrible he thought he definitely could do better. Stunning work.
— Lisa McGee (@LisaMMcGee) April 24, 2020
Here’s what people had to say on Twitter when they shared their own stories.
Let’s take a look!
1. Jesus! Who would say that?
People are unbelievable.
I’ve been tokd numerous times I would be a great girlfriend if I wasn’t so ugly because I have a great personality ?
— Emily Savage (@SavageEmily) April 24, 2020
2. Why are you on TV?
Someone must be getting paid, right?
Some older chap I used to work with: “it’s great you’re on telly so much given you know… laughs… no seriously, it’s great. Good for you. Listen, these days, do they have to hit a quota or do they get some extra funding if they have people like you on? Genuine question?”
— Ayesha Hazarika (@ayeshahazarika) April 24, 2020
3. Throw those pants away.
Kids have a unique way of ruining your life.
my daughter said mine made my butt long and wide ?never wore those pants again
— Trish Holmgren (@fishhomeagain) April 24, 2020
4. Gee, thanks…
So brave…
I was told I was so brave for not wearing make up covering scars because ‘I just wouldn’t be able to leave the house if it was my face’. Thanks……?
— Helen Mac Hale (@HelHearts) April 24, 2020
5. You need a makeover.
No one ever wants to hear those words.
I was told (while not wearing makeup) that I would be a great before and after demo for a makeup party she was hosting. I told her makeup might make my face pretty but nothing fixes her ugly heart.
— Christy YL (@chy2400) April 24, 2020
6. Just blending in.
You’d be a great spy!
I was told by a former colleague during a meeting that I’d make an excellent spy because I had absolutely nothing memorable about me.
— BROOME82 (@BROOME82) April 24, 2020
7. You’re ugly? No problem!
Words of encouragement.
Wrote this and deleted it once already but here goes. As a student actor I worried out loud that I might not be attractive enough to make it as a professional and my friend told me not to worry, there are LOADS of successful ugly actors.
— David Nicholls (@DavidNWriter) April 24, 2020
8. Sorry about that…
She seems really sweet.
My maternal grandmother told me that she was sorry I “got my father’s looks” ??
— R, tlou2 spoilers, they/them ? (@_enjorlas) April 24, 2020
9. You know what that means…
“Well fed…”
I once bumped into the rather posh and very catty mother of an ex-girlfriend, who told me how wonderful it was to see me -‘especially looking so well-fed’.
— Paul Carnahan (@pacarnahan) April 24, 2020
10. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.
A rough life.
Someone once said to me “be glad you’re not gorgeous like me because it’s more of a curse than a blessing.” ??
— Lynnie (@atoakhaven) April 24, 2020
11. How rude!
Some people, I’ll tell ya…
Actual friends once introduced me & @jonatharden to other friends as “not altogether unsuccessful” around a dinner table once.
— Bronágh Taggart (@weebeetee) April 24, 2020
12. People are talking…
Not to your face, though…
A man (actually it was the famous Gerry from that Soho booze shop ‘Gerry’s’) came up to me and said “don’t listen to what others say, I think you’re quite pretty.” Literally apropos of nothing.
— Lals Cotton (@lalscotton) April 24, 2020
13. That’s not cool.
You’ve come a long way!
When I was at Brighton Uni a fellow student condescended to me that I was “working class made good.”
— Emma Frost (@EmmaFrostLondon) April 24, 2020
Hahaha. Those are pretty funny.
And painful…
How about you?
Have you ever had someone give you a really sneaky insult?
If so, tell us about it in the comments!