We all need to laugh or asses off once in a while. It’s good for us!
Think back to the last time you really laughed hard. You felt great afterward, right? Right!
So let’s relive that feeling with these very funny memes.
Remember: laugh your ass off!
1. It’s always right.
So never question that app, okay?!?!
2. What do you think?
I’d say you can probably go ahead and bring another one.
3. That haircut only means one thing.
And you know what it is!
4. Don’t even bother anymore.
Someone else will take care of it, right?
5. This looks familiar.
I can’t stop eating tacos, okay?
6. Don’t do that anymore.
It’s just not worth it.
7. That usually does the trick.
They won’t ever bother you again.
8. Really? You’re surprised?
I can’t believe this!
9. I told you so!
Next time, just listen to me.
10. Ummmm, sure.
Is this what you consider beautiful?
11. This is hilarious.
Be smart about saying you’re sick to your boss.
12. Well, since you’re so polite…
I’d love to clean that up!
13. They never see the good stuff, do they?
Ugh…the worst…
Did you laugh your ass completely, all the way, 100% off at those memes?
I know I did!
What do you say we keep the laughter going?
In the comments, share a meme, tweet, joke, or a photo that you think we’ll love.
Please and thank you!