Do people who make signs and posters usually use proofreaders?
Well, if they don’t, then they should probably start ASAP, because the folks who made the examples you’re about to see really could have used an extra set of eyes.
But, people are stubborn, so you know how all of this ended up…let’s take a look at some fails that definitely could have been avoided.
1. They have a lot of kids, huh?
And all with the same name!
2. You had one chance and you blew it!
I appreciate the message, but…
3. Someone is about to get fired.
There’s a lot to unpack here.
4. Now I feel like I’m receiving mixed messages.
Can anyone explain this to me?
5. Okay, whatever you say, folks.
You can tell they’re really not too bright.
6. Well, now I don’t know what to do!
All I wanted was some beans!
7. And this is supposed to be for children?!?!
Whoever did the layout must be in trouble.
8. I think I’ve seen this guy before…
And I don’t have a clue what he’s talking about.
9. What are you trying to say here?
The gender wars rage on…
10. My brain hurts after looking at this one.
I can’t take it anymore!
11. What did the kids do to deserve this?
These women need to be arrested!
12. Stand Hong with Kong.
Okay, whatever you say…
Have you seen any funny signs or posters lately?
Please share them with us in the comments!
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