I’m assuming that if you clicked on this article and you’re here right now, you enjoy true crime.
Did I hit the nail on the head, or what?
I thought so!
And who doesn’t these days?!?!
The genre is hotter than ever and pretty much every segment of society seems to love all things related to mayhem and blood and guts.
We’re talking TV shows, movies, podcasts, books, etc.
And you’ll also love these memes!
Have a look!
1. New BFF.
I love when this happens!
Photo Credit: someecards
2. This says a lot.
All fired up!
Photo Credit: someecards
3. Don’t even get me started.
It’ll never be the same…
Photo Credit: someecards
4. Let’s get to know each other.
I’ll ask the questions here.
Photo Credit: someecards
5. Always a bad move!
You almost got away!
Photo Credit: someecards
6. Always very exciting!
Bring it on!
Photo Credit: someecards
7. He was very good at escaping.
No doubt about it.
Photo Credit: someecards
8. It is what it is.
No shame in your game.
Photo Credit: someecards
9. You gotta be careful.
You just never know…
Photo Credit: someecards
10. Well, this is boring…
I’ll just sit over here by myself…
Photo Credit: someecards
11. Here we go!
It better be good!
Photo Credit: someecards
12. What did you just say?
I’m sorry, I don’t think we can be friends.
Photo Credit: someecards
Now we want to hear from you.
What are some of your favorite true crime shows?
Or movies or podcasts?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know!