You need a chuckle. I need a chuckle. WE ALL NEED A CHUCKLE right about now.
And guess how we’re gonna do it today? Go ahead and think about it, I’ll wait…
You’re right! We’re going to laugh with the help of hilarious memes.
What a world we live in!
Let’s start now!
1. You must be a chef!
I am very impressed!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
2. I’m sure your boss loved this.
And I’m also sure you got fired.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
3. You can’t unsee it.
I’ll never be the same after this…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
4. This is very accurate.
Read the fine print.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
5. These ants need an intervention.
You guys need to slow it down!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
6. I’m getting very concerned.
And you’re being judged.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
7. It’s more like a cesspool.
Slim pickings around here.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
8. Have fun reading that book!
It might be a bit confusing.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
9. This is not going well.
Guys…it’s time to see a counselor.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
10. She looks like she had a good time.
Mother knows best.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
11. All very cold.
Especially the last one.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
12. I support this new endeavor.
And it looks like you are doing very well! Bravo, friend!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
That’s the good stuff right there!
And now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, please share some more funny stuff that you think will make us laugh.
Memes, tweets, jokes, photos, etc! Thanks!