In case you haven’t been paying attention, I’m going to let you in on something very important…
People are entitled and they want as much free and cheap stuff they can possibly get their hands on! Especially when they don’t deserve it…
And we’re gonna see some real beauties today, let me tell you…
Take a look for yourself so you can see what I’m ranting about…
1. As close to free as possible!
Some people, I tell ya…
3. Well, this escalated quickly.
I think this person might have some anger issues.
now THAT was simply uncalled for
byu/notbakedrn inChoosingBeggars
4. I need money for gas, bro.
This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, does it?
He wanted a BMW on a budget
byu/Typical_Curve_5672 inChoosingBeggars
5. FYI, artists don’t work for free.
The more you know…
6. The nerve of some folks is amazing.
And here’s a prime example!
7. Hahahaha. This is called “giving them the business.”
I hope this person waited around for a while…
8. What an idiot.
How do people have time for this stuff?
Walmart has more expensive boards than that
byu/IvekPearl inChoosingBeggars
9. I didn’t realize I had to pay!
What a concept!
“The world doesn’t owe you a living”
byu/kalibabka inChoosingBeggars
10. This does not seem like a good deal to me.
I hope no one took them up on this.
11. There are certain words you shouldn’t say.
Read on to see what I’m talking about.
“Freebie” is the new f-word
byu/TameikaFugate inChoosingBeggars
12. Anyone out there looking for an indentured servant?
If so, you’re in luck!
MLM CB asking for Indentured Servitude
byu/jaredog inChoosingBeggars
What’s the most entitled thing you’ve heard lately?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
We’d love to hear your stories, friends!
Thanks in advance!