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10 Entitled Brides Who Didn’t Want to Pay For Stuff

Uh oh…the Bridezillas are back and they’re angrier than ever!

And that’s really, REALLY bad news for the people who actually have to put up with their bulls**t and deal with all of their demands.

What is it about people (not only women) that are about to get married that makes them turn into total monsters?

It seems to happen a lot, don’t you think?

Meet 12 entitled brides who felt like they didn’t have to pay for all sorts of things.

How charming!

1. Let me lay out the terms…

Well, this really went off the rails…

2. I’m not hosting a reception!

What kind of an idea is that?!?!

3. Listen, you’re gonna have to pay for your own seat.

Are we clear about that?

4. Taking things a little bit too far.

What else can I get for you?

5. Hand over the cold, hard cash.

Well, what’s the point in being subtle?

6. This is pretty darn trashy.

Sorry, I had to say it.

7. This is pretty weird.

Why do y’all want so much free stuff?

8. This is not gonna end well.

I just have a feeling about this one…

9. Do you think profiting off of your guests is classy?

Let us know!

10. Have you ever heard of anything like this before?!?!

This is pretty wild…and not in a good way…

Now we want to hear your stories.

Tell us about the worst Bridezillas you’ve ever had to deal with.

We want all the scandalous details! Don’t hold back now!

Talk to us in the comments!

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