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You Probably Shouldn’t Follow the Advice From These “Relationships Should Be 50/50” Posts

Even in the best of times, relationships can be…challenging…

So we can use all the advice we can get when it comes to making our significant others happy, right?

Buuuuuutttt, I’m thinking that maybe these bits of “relationships should be 50/50” wisdom should be taken with a grain of salt…

Or maybe you should just laugh at them and then forget about them.

Either way, let’s have a look.

I guess he’s just there to watch…

I hope he brought a book…

See, this is a pretty good one.

Mexican food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

You knew it would work out that way, right?

It was the only possibility.

A big win for you!

Also, who doesn’t like pickles? Blasphemy!

Get ready to press those buttons!

At least you know what you’re good at.

This is a correct answer for many people.

It sounds like you’re one of them!

Oh, boy, this doesn’t sound good.

Stay far, far away!

Go ahead and help yourself.

Leave at least one for me!

Get ready for your photoshoot.

This is gonna be epic!

So I guess we’ll just sit here in silence…

That doesn’t sound like a very pleasant evening to me…

We want more funny (or terrible) relationship advice!

In the comments, please give it to us!

And if you have some real advice, we’ll take that, too…

We’d love to hear from you!

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