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“Worst Buy” Dreams up Terrible Products You’d Never Need

These fake products sure are hilarious…but I’m pretty sure I don’t actually WANT any of them in my house…or do I…? I guess to each their own, right?

They’re from a very funny Instagram account called Worst Buy that specializes in dreaming up awful products that thankfully don’t exist in real life.

But they sure are a lot of fun to look at!

And I have a feeling that, like the headlines in The Onion, a number of people probably fall for these shenanigans and actually believe that some of these products are real.

People are gullible, ya know?

Let’s take a look at some of the best examples of the “worst buys” you could ever want.

1. I’m gonna be sick.

These look completely revolting.

2. These look delicious.

Don’t you agree?

3. Chew very carefully.

It still tastes good, though!

4. I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.

Haven’t you?

5. Just not the tip.

Doesn’t seem very efficient…

6. Craft beers are very popular.

And these will be welcome additions!

7. Put it on your burger!

Or your hot dog! Or directly into your mouth!

8. Now I’m depressed…

Sorry, everybody…

9. Fun with handcuffs!

Hours of fun!

10. Hmmmm. How about that?

I wonder how big their supply is?

11. This might actually work.

Why not, right?

12. It’s sick, bro!

Another big win for KYLE!

13. The whole family will love it!

Eat up, kids!

Those are hilarious! We hope you loved them!

In the comments, tell us which one is your favorite.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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