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Women Share Their Responses to People Who Claimed Their Inappropriate Comments Were ‘Just a Joke!’

Some people try to defend their comments by claiming the comments were “just a joke”…and why aren’t you laughing?!?!

And it’s annoying because most of us don’t know how exactly to reply at the moment, so we just forget about it and let it go.

But Twitter user Heather Thompson Day has some advice on how to handle the situation smoothly (if you want to call them out, which you should).

She also got some great advice from her pops! This guy sounds like he knows his stuff.

Other women have chimed in to share what they’re thinking in those moments and how they handle it, too, and to be honest, any of them would work.

Ahhhh, racism… you seem to show your face in so many ways these days.

Ahhhh, sexism… you seem to show your face in so many ways these days.

And it’s really about being direct. Very direct. Like, painfully direct.

And ALWAYS ask people to explain… because they usually don’t. Unless you beg. Like Rhi here.

It shuts them right the hell up! Harassment be gone!

It’s not that I want someone to be a douchebag to me anytime soon, but I’m kind of looking forward to being armed and dangerous when it inevitably does happen again.

Because it will happen again. That much I know is inevitable.

How do you handle these situations? And tips and tricks of your own?

We’d love to hear them! Tell us in the comments!

Please and thank you!

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