Even though the world is totally on fire right now, we still have to remember to laugh, right?
Damn right!
Yes, we have to wear masks for a while when we leave the house and yes, it can be annoying, but just do it! You’re helping yourself, your family and friends, and total strangers every time you put it on.
And we can make fun of ourselves in the meantime!
Let’s have a few laughs and forget about all the awful things happening right now!
1. Can someone explain this?
I need answers!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week
2. Hey, it works!
Kind of…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week
3. Play it at home with your family!
It’s fun for everyone!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week
4. This is not a good look.
So be careful out there, okay?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week
5. I’m really tired of hearing this kind of stuff.
Just wear the damn thing!
6. It’s my dream, too.
You can really avoid everyone now!
Idk why people are against wearing masks. Masks protect you from coronavirus yes, but they also protect you from running into people you know in public. Add sunglasses and you are literally in disguise. It’s safe to do anything, anywhere, even in your hometown. This is my dream
— Samantha Matt (@SamanthaMatt1) June 21, 2020
7. Just like normal folks do.
We’re all the same, right?
I’m just like you, I put my face mask on one leg at a time
— Swim Jeans 👖 (@ShortSleeveSuit) June 21, 2020
8. Yeah, what she said.
Again, just wear it!
I laboured for 7 hours and gave birth in a mask so I think the rest of you can wear one for like 10 minutes to go inside a store to grab a Jamba Juice or whatever you do
— amil (@amil) June 17, 2020
9. Phew! That’s a relief!
Resting Bitch Face no more!
Thanks to masks, my bitch face can finally rest
— Sara K. Runnels (@omgskr) June 25, 2020
10. I agree with this 100%.
It’s a perfect circle.
The Venn diagram of people who won’t wear a mask and people who don’t use their turn signal is a circle.
— Mike Primavera (@primawesome) June 19, 2020
11. It really makes you think…
Admit it, you’ve forgotten it at least once.
If Covid has taught me anything, it’s that it’s incredibly unrealistic that super heroes remember their masks every time they go out.
— AJ Ramson (@aj_ramson) June 16, 2020
12. Hahahaha. That’s great.
It’s a perfect fit! Kind of…
13. Damn straight.
Metal heads know what’s up.
14. Just take it and leave.
Things sure have changed, huh?
Walmart before pandemic:
•No hoods, sunglasses or masks. •We need to check your receipt.
•We need to check the contents of your cart at the door.Walmart after pandemic:
•Must be masked like a felon.
•Take your shit and go. We don’t care if you paid for it.— Lessons from the Minivan (@FromMinivan) May 17, 2020
Remember to wear your mask when you leave the house, okay?
A little bit goes a long way!
How are you doing these days with all the craziness in the world?
Give us a life update in the comments!