We’re now in the midst of the holiday season, so you know you’re going to catch the classic 1964 TV special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the tube in the next month or so.

Photo Credit: Universal Television
The special recently aired on CBS, and viewers took to Twitter to point out some disturbing things they noticed about the perennial classic for the first time…or maybe issues they had ignored in the past. Take a look at these.

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“All right all right!, we are not going to let Rudolph join in anymore reindeer games…” Bastard… Always hated the gym teachers.. Santa was an A-Hole too. #RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer pic.twitter.com/Py1z5W1Tnn
— Bob Marsdale (@BobMarsdale) November 28, 2018
Whew! And they just kept on coming.

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Nothing says holiday spirit quite like dissecting #RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer and realizing almost everyone is an ass. Comet legit encouraged bullying and exclusion. pic.twitter.com/ldmxOv0cqz
— Ashley E. Armstrong (@AshleyEANews) November 28, 2018

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And speaking of #RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer, what the ultimate bully comeback. Those reindeer and their games.. very, very mean. We know Rudolph saves the day in the end, but it hurts to watch. Little, dear Rudolph. pic.twitter.com/QDbewGH5Vi
— Kelly Jones (@RealKellyJones) November 28, 2018

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That is a lot to unpack and digest. When’s the last time you watched this Christmas classic? Did you notice anything weird/disturbing/alarming?