Almost nothing makes my blood boil more than really rude, really entitled people.
They’re rude, they’re pushy, and they think the world owes them something for one reason or another…
Here are 13 people who really need to get their acts together…
1. Sounds like a catch.
2. Do you have enough room?
3. This is outrageous.
4. A total tragedy.
5. Pretty sure those are free…
6. Good job!
7. What a dick.
8. Taking legal action.
9. Here’s another one…
10. Some people need reminding.
11. I don’t think this is gonna last.
12. Where’s my food?!?!
13. This is weird.
Like I said, my blood is boiling.
What do you think? Have you seen any totally entitled people lately that pissed you off?
Tell us about it in the comments!