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These People Are All Learning Funny Things About Their Partners While They’re Working From Home

Do you want to hear a real-life horror story?

Okay, imagine this: a worldwide pandemic sends humanity into hysterics and we’re pretty much forced to stay inside, avoid each other, and…we have to WORK FROM HOME. With our partners and our spouses. INDEFINITELY.

Sounds pretty scary, doesn’t it? Well, we’re living it, baby!

And people are taking to Twitter to share the funny, annoying, and infuriating things that they’re learning about that special someone in their lives. Hey, it’s a tough time, but we gotta get through it, right? And I guess one way to do it is to reveal what is driving you crazy about your loved ones!

Let’s take a look at what folks had to say…and remember, get outside and take a walk once in a while so you can blow off some steam.

1. He gets pretty into it.

Just when you think you know someone…

2. You tell me this NOW?

What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

3. Let’s have a talk.

That can be seen as endearing…and annoying.

4. Who would do such a thing?

It’s just plain weird.

5. Never seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

That is unacceptable.

6. Out of the pocket.

Whatever that means…

7. That’s a good thing!

Now make him clean the whole house.

8. This is what I’ve learned.

You have a very loud roommate.

9. That is a big NO-NO.

What are they thinking?

10. A beverage abandoner.

This drives me insane.

11. Well, he’s obviously a savage.

You two need to seek counseling for this. That is all.

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us how working from home is going for you and your family.

Give us all the dirt, por favor! Thanks in advance!

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